We want to make sure you are prepared and feel ready for your surgery. We will provide you with the necessary instructions before your procedure. You can read our general pre-op instructions below.

  • Please have a responsible adult (over the age of 18) accompany you on the day of surgery. We recommend they stay in the office for the duration of the appointment so they will be available when you are ready to leave the office.
  • If your surgery is scheduled for the morning with moderate sedation, do not have anything to eat or drink, including water, after midnight. If your surgery is scheduled for the afternoon, do not eat or drink anything for six hours prior to your appointment. It is very important for all patients under anesthesia to have an empty stomach for their safety.
  • Take all prescribed medications according to directions with a small sip of water. If the doctor prescribes you an antibiotic, it should be taken one hour prior to your appointment. If you are diabetic, please let us know and we will consult with you to adjust your dosages appropriately. If you regularly take more than two regular aspirin, such as Motrin, Advil or ibuprofen, please let our office know and we will give you further instructions.
  • Please wear loose, short-sleeved clothing that makes your upper arms easily accessible for a blood pressure cuff.
  • Cleanliness is very important during surgery. Prior to your appointment, please bathe thoroughly and perform your full oral health routine, including brushing, flossing and mouth wash. Men should ensure their facial hair is clean or be clean shaven. Women should not wear makeup, jewelry or nail polish. Flat shoes are recommended so you can more easily walk as the anesthesia wears off.
  • If you become sick before your surgery, please notify the office right away and we will give you further instructions.


If you have any more questions about pre-op instructions or oral surgery in Escondido, Encinitas and San Diego, California, please call North County Oral & Facial Surgery Center today to schedule an appointment with our surgeons.

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